Thursday, October 6, 2016

How to build and install Codelight IDE on Oracle Linux 6

In order to install CodeLite IDE, you need wxWidget.
First, go to the wxWidget website and download the source code as shown in the screenshot.
In this case, you should click on the link "Source for Linux.." to download the source code for Linux.

Below are the steps to build and install. You should use the paths and filenames applicable to your situation.

1) extract the source code to a directory

>tar xvf wxwidget.tar.gz

2) cd to the source code directory and run the configure script

>cd wxwidget
>./configure --prefix=/net/slc04wog/scratch/nquach/programs/wxwidget

Here I am specifying a prefix value so that it will get installed to the desired location.

3) build and install the library

>make install

Build and install CodeLight
Download the CodeLite source code from the CodeLite website. If your compiler is too old to compile with the latest source code, you can download the older version of CodeLite from GitHub as shown in the screenshot below. Notice all the previous versions will have branch tags associate with them. You just need to go to that branch and click on the clone or download button on the right side.

1) extract codelite source code

>tar xvf codelite.tar.gz

2) generate make files
Before you generate the make file, you need to tell it where wxwidget gets installed and libssh

>export PATH=$PATH:/net/slc04wog/scratch/nquach/programs/wxwidget/bin

>mkdir build-release
>cd build-release
>cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCOPY_WX_LIBS=1 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=:/net/slc04wog/scratch/nquach/programs/codelite -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

-DCOPY_WX_LIBS=1 //tells it to incoporate the wxWidget libraries into CodeLite so you don't have to depend on them
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=:/net/slc04wog/scratch/nquach/programs/codelite  //tells it to install CodeLite to this location
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release   //do a release build

If you want to know what CMAKE options suppose to mean, check the CMakeLists.txt file under the source folder.
If you get any errors related to libssh not found, you need to install it. If it is already installed, then include the path to ssh libaries and header files especially if libssh does not get installed in the default location:

>export PATH=$PATH:/net/slc04wog/scratch/nquach/programs/libssh/lib
>export PATH=$PATH:/net/slc04wog/scratch/nquach/programs/libssh/include

If you want to see the logic for some of the errors, you can also open the CMakelist.txt file to see why some errors show up when generating the make file.
Again, CMakelist.txt file will also show the options to pass to CMAKE.
For example, to disable sftp in codelite, you can pass -DENABLE_SFTP=0 .

Lastly, you can comment out  -std=c++11 from the CMakelist.txt file if your compiler does not support C++11.

3) build and install
>make install

Saturday, March 12, 2016

How to combine/join multiple video clips into one video file using Avidemux?

Assuming that you have downloaded and installed Avidemux, we will go straight to the example on how to append multiple video clips into one video clip. Here the video clips can be downloaded from your smartphones.

Let's say you have three clips and you want to combine all of them into one. To simplify the example, we will assume that all the clips have the same dimensions.

Append all the video clips

First, you will open the first video clip and then keep appending the other video clips until you are done. That is it. You can save to a new file, and that's it. Keep reading if you want to do something more to the videos. Note: if you have many files to combine, the quickest way to combine them all at once is to select all the files and do a drag and drop to the avidemux program.

Video Output settings

With the video settings, you can tell the program what kind of video format you want to use. Let's assume that the format of the video clips is MOV, but you want to convert it to AVI. In this case, you would change the video output to x264. One of the benefits of doing this is AVI format takes a lot less space than MOV format.
The result of doing this is when you save to a new file, the program will convert MOV to AVI for you. If you have the video output setting as Copy, then it will use the original format.

Each video format will have its own settings so you can view and change its settings by clicking on the configure button.
You can also add filters to the video as well. Clicking on the filter button will show you all the filters that are supported. One example of a common filter is the rotate filter. Applying this filter will rotate the video. Here the video will be rotate 270 degrees as shown in the screenshot below.

Audio Output settings

Same as the video output settings, one can change the audio format embedded into the video as well.
Copy means it will use the original audio format. If one wants to change the audio format to mp3, for example, one can select it from the list. Each audio format also has its own settings.
You can view and change the settings but clicking on the configure button. 

 Finally, you have made all the settings you want. Now you want to see a preview of your changes.
In order to see your changes you need to click on the output button to the right of the input button before you play the video. If you click on the input button, you won't see your changes. It will just play the original video without any of your changes.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

My example of debugging using Visual Studio and Windbg

Debug with WinDBG:

1. first make sure that a crash dump *.dmp file is created for the crash.
You can check this by going to the computer property dialog.
2. know the location of the crash dump file so that you can load it in winDBG.
3. refer to the manual no how to read information from the crash dump file.
Basically execute the command >!analyze -V in Windbg and locate the library where the crash is occurring and the reason for the crash or the type of crash ( null pointer access, and etc). This is good information because it gives you an idea on where you should start looking for the code causing the crash. It helps narrow down the search.

If your windbg cannot proceed further due to symbols cannot be found or anything related to missing symbols, make sure you include the path to the symbol files. Check the manual for more information on this.
Make sure you save the session so that this information is saved for the next session.

Documentation on all the commands:

Here are common commands that you can use in windbg to troubleshoot better:

>!sym noisy  //turn on noisy mode. This will allow you to see what requests the debugger send to the symbol server or where it tries to load the symbols when you open up a dump file.
>.restart /f    //restart everything

>bc *    //create all breakpoints
>g    //run
>bp @@(class:methodA)   //set a breakpoint at methodA

>dt -b TypeName;  -display the layout of the data type TypeName, -b enable recursive display.
>dt -b CSymbolInfoPackage;q

>dt -b TypeName Address  -layout of a particular variable. Notice this will display the values of the
structures' member variables as well.

>dt -b CSymbolInfoPackage 0x234234;q  //notice the address end with ;q

>!sympath  // to see all paths windbg used to search for symbol files
>!sympath srv*c:\symbols*http://symbolserver/sym //add new symbol server pdb
>!exepath srv*c:\symbols*http://symbolserver/sym //add new symbol server for exe
>!srcpath srv*c:\p4src  //add path for source code
>kb   //stack back trace for current running thread
>~*kb // stack back trace for all threads

>lm  //show modules being loaded
>lmv //show modules being loaded and information about them.
>lmDvmnvlddmkm  //display information about the module nvlddmkm, v = verbose, D = display output using debugger markup language. m=pattern that the module name must match, in this case nvlddmkm
>lmv m moduleName  //print record of the moduleName including its name, timestamp, image size and location of the pdb file if it is found.
>lmv m dva* //print all module having dva*
>!lmi moduleName //print the moduleName's header information assuming that the module is loaded already
: kd> !lmi nvlddmkm
Loaded Module Info: [nvlddmkm]
         Module: nvlddmkm
   Base Address: fffff80e97690000
     Image Name: nvlddmkm.sys
   Machine Type: 34404 (X64)
     Time Stamp: 5c7dcd42 Mon Mar  4 17:13:38 2019
           Size: 14ff000
       CheckSum: 149c79c
Characteristics: 22
Debug Data Dirs: Type  Size     VA  Pointer
             CODEVIEW    88, 8180d8,  815ad8 RSDS - GUID: {92644F26-333B-4C11-9CEB-B8B49D806B87}
               Age: 1, Pdb: C:\dvs\p4\build\sw\rel\gpu_drv\r421\r421_00\drivers\display\lddm\nvlddmkm\_out\wddm2_amd64_release\nvlddmkm.pdb
           VC_FEATURE    14, 818160,  815b60 [Data not mapped]
                 POGO   38c, 818174,  815b74 [Data not mapped]
     Image Type: MEMORY   - Image read successfully from loaded memory.
    Symbol Type: NONE     - PDB not found from symbol server.
    Load Report: no symbols loaded

>.hh command // to get help on a command   such as   .hh .symopt

When you see windbg complains about not being able to load symbol files for certain dll files, (but you know for sure that the files are there in the symbol paths) There can only be a few reasons for this. One reason for this is the timestamp for these files are different from the one used during the creation of the dump file.
You can force windbg to load these symbol files by issuing this command

>.symopt+0x40  //this will tell windbg to load

> X module!symbol    - find the address of the symbol in the module
>x myapp!*CMainFrame*  // list all member functions and static data members of CMainFrame class define in myapp. you can get the address of the symbols from the output.

>ln Address //find the symbol by address

For other commands check the manual for WinDBG

Debug with visual studio -- the preferred method because visual studio has a much more advanced debugger

devenv /debugexe  program.exe    --- launch the program to debug. This is better than attaching to a process because sometimes it is too late to see the issue when you try to attach to the process. For example, if the process crashes right the way, then you cannot attach to it. You may need to specify the full path to the program in order for Visual Studio to locate the program.

Launching the program this way allows to you see what files get loaded. You can check the output console for errors like missing symbol files ( *.pdb) and know the path where Visual Studio (VS) is looking for these files. If VS cannot load the symbol file for a particular library, then you can step through the code in that library. From the output console, u can also right click on the library and specified the path to the symbol file as well but this will take vs sometime to load and update. It is best that you stop the session and copy the symbol files to the path VS is expecting and restart the debug session again. Notice the output console can give you valuable information. This information is similar to the information you would get from running the dependency walker program but it is more readable. What is good about this is the errors are
shown next to the questioned library files. With Dependency Walker you have to rely on the icons representing errors. If a library cannot be loaded or missing, you can tell right the way from the console where VS is looking for that library. 

To set a break point, press ctrl+b  and type in the method name or class::method to set a breakpoint at that method.

If you want to debug with a release build, run this command in the console first before running the devenv ... command:

set _NT_SYMBOL_PATH=SRV*c:\symbols\analytics*\\\anabuild\share\gasymsrv;SRV*c:\symbols\analytics*\\\ANABUILD\share


This will setup the symbol paths.   -- contains source code


To see what request Windbg sends to the symbol server to locate the matching pdb file for a particular image use the symchk tool. In the example, below we can see the request windbg would send out to the symbol server to locate the Appsensor.pdb file that would match with the Appsersor.dll file. Comments on the output started with ##

>symchk.exe  /od /ob /op /oe /os /v  /s "srv*c:\symbols*http://localhost/sym" "AppSensor.dll"

## /s specify the local directory and the symbol server address

[SYMCHK] Searching for symbols to c:\dispsym_local_cache\bugs\AppSensor\AppSensor.dll in path srv*c:\symbols*http://localhost/sym
DBGHELP: Symbol Search Path: srv*c:\symbols*http://localhost/sym
[SYMCHK] Using search path "srv*c:\symbols*http://localhost/sym"
DBGHELP: No header for c:\dispsym_local_cache\bugs\AppSensor\AppSensor.dll.  Searching for image on disk
DBGHELP: c:\dispsym_local_cache\bugs\AppSensor\AppSensor.dll - OK
SYMSRV:  UNC: c:\symbols\AppSensor.pdb\3754687F7111426692C7E697A47D734C1\AppSensor.pdb - path not found
SYMSRV:  UNC: c:\symbols\AppSensor.pdb\3754687F7111426692C7E697A47D734C1\AppSensor.pd_ - path not found
SYMSRV:  UNC: c:\symbols\AppSensor.pdb\3754687F7111426692C7E697A47D734C1\file.ptr - path not found
SYMSRV:  HTTPGET: /sym/index2.txt
SYMSRV:  HttpQueryInfo: 80190194 - HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND
SYMSRV:  HTTPGET: /sym/AppSensor.pdb/3754687F7111426692C7E697A47D734C1/AppSensor.pdb

###First, it tries to download the non compressed version of the file. The actually request or URL used
#is http://localhost/sym/AppSensor.pdb/3754687F7111426692C7E697A47D734C1/AppSensor.pdb

SYMSRV:  HttpQueryInfo: 80190194 - HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND
SYMSRV:  HTTPGET: /sym/AppSensor.pdb/3754687F7111426692C7E697A47D734C1/AppSensor.pd_
###Second, if the first request does not work, it will try to download the compress version for the file ending with underscore.

SYMSRV:  HttpQueryInfo: 801900c8 - HTTP_STATUS_OK
SYMSRV:  AppSensor.pdb from http://localhost/sym: 2883718 bytes copied
SYMSRV:  PATH: c:\symbols\AppSensor.pdb\3754687F7111426692C7E697A47D734C1\AppSensor.pdb
###Here the file is downloaded and store at this local path.
SYMSRV:  RESULT: 0x00000000
DBGHELP: AppSensor - private symbols & lines

###All of the info below is debug information about the image Appsensor.dll
[SYMCHK] MODULE64 Info ----------------------
[SYMCHK] Struct size: 1680 bytes
[SYMCHK] Base: 0x180000000
[SYMCHK] Image size: 2301952 bytes
[SYMCHK] Date: 0x5d013f8e
[SYMCHK] Checksum: 0x002346b1
[SYMCHK] NumSyms: 0
[SYMCHK] SymType: SymPDB
[SYMCHK] ModName: AppSensor
[SYMCHK] ImageName: c:\dispsym_local_cache\bugs\AppSensor\AppSensor.dll
[SYMCHK] LoadedImage: c:\dispsym_local_cache\bugs\AppSensor\AppSensor.dll

###Below is the PDB section information. CV stands for code view. CV=RSDS  indicates it's a
### PDB 7.0 file format.
[SYMCHK] PDB: "c:\symbols\AppSensor.pdb\3754687F7111426692C7E697A47D734C1\AppSensor.pdb"
[SYMCHK] CV DWORD: 0x53445352
[SYMCHK] CV Data:  C:\dvs\p4\build\sw\gcomp\dev\src\Mjolnir\Features\AppSensor\plugin\_out\win7_amd64_release\AppSensor.pdb
[SYMCHK] PDB Sig:  0
[SYMCHK] PDB7 Sig: {3754687F-7111-4266-92C7-E697A47D734C}
[SYMCHK] Age: 1
###Notice the signature of the PDB file + its age formed part of the URL mentioned earlier
###3754687F-7111-4266-92C7-E697A47D734C + 1

[SYMCHK] Line nubmers: TRUE
[SYMCHK] Global syms:  TRUE
[SYMCHK] Type Info:    TRUE
[SYMCHK] ------------------------------------
SymbolCheckVersion  0x00000002
Result              0x001f0001
DbgTimeDateStamp    0x5d013f8e
DbgSizeOfImage      0x00232000
DbgChecksum         0x002346b1
PdbFilename         c:\symbols\AppSensor.pdb\3754687F7111426692C7E697A47D734C1\AppSensor.pdb
PdbSignature        {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
PdbDbiAge           0x00000000
[SYMCHK] [ 0x00000000 - 0x001f0001 ] Checked "c:\dispsym_local_cache\bugs\AppSensor\AppSensor.dll"
SYMCHK: c:\dispsym_local_cache\bugs\AppSensor\AppSensor.dll PASSED  - PDB: c:\symbols\AppSensor.pdb\3754687F7111426692C7E697A47D734C1\AppSensor.pdb DBG: <N/A>

SYMCHK: FAILED files = 0

Setting up your own symbol server

>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\symstore.exe" add /r /compress /t "PremierPro" /v "14.0.571"  /p /l /f "D:\bugs\4220176\ppro14.0_571.debug\*.*" /s \\nquach-wx-1\symbols\
Finding ID...  0000000001

SYMSTORE: Number of pointers stored = 2139
SYMSTORE: Number of errors = 0
SYMSTORE: Number of pointers ignored = 9446

Here we create a symbol server locally. All the symbols in the given folder (/f) are indexed as pointers (/p) to the original Files in the given path. /r search recursively

/t product name
/v version
The transaction id is 0000000001. This will be useful when we search and delete a transaction.
After this, you can change the symbol path to add your new symbol server at \\nquach-wx-1\symbols. You can see all the files added to \\nquach-wx-1\symbols if you have it empty earlier.

You need to set _NT_SYMBOL_PATH to this path so that you can run symchk.exe in any dos console.

To delete the transaction and all the symbols related to it from the symstore run the command with del:
>symstore del /i 0000000001 /s \\nquach-wx-1\symbols

Find Dependencies using dumpbin

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise>dumpbin /dependents S:\...\Win\Debug\64\mp4decoder_dll.dll
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.16.27030.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file S:\...\Win\Debug\64\mp4decoder_dll.dll

File Type: DLL

  Image has the following dependencies:



        D000 .data
       15000 .data1
        8000 .pdata
       1D000 .rdata
        2000 .reloc
        1000 .rsrc
       AD000 .text
        1000 .tls

On Macs, the crash logs are stored in
. Those will be copied to the
On Windows, crash logs won't be stored by default. The "Dr. Watson" replacement in Vista, "Windows Error Reporting" (WER), sends out an e-
mail with the data to Microsoft. In order to store the files locally, you need to enable it via the Vista registry:
Save the following text to a file named wer.reg:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting]
Double-click the file from Windows Explorer and respond affirmatively to any prompts. Reboot.
The next time Premiere Pro or any component crashes, the crash information will be written into a folder located inside
. Check the modification date to make sure you are using the correct file.
Those are the files that will be stored by WER:
}: This is the most important file. It contains the crash dump that can be opened inside Visual Studio or other
Windows debuggers.
: Contains the operating system version and other hardware information.

: Lists all of the DLLs loaded at the time of the crash with their version information

Getting Crash Logs

On Macs, the crash logs are stored in ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports. Those will be copied to the working folder.
On Windows, crash logs won't be stored by default. The "Dr. Watson" replacement in Vista, "Windows Error Reporting" (WER), sends out an e-mail with the data to Microsoft. In order to store the files locally, you need to enable it via the Vista registry:Save the following text to a file named wer.reg:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting]

Double-click the file from Windows Explorer and respond affirmatively to any prompts. Reboot.
The next time Premiere Pro or any component crashes, the crash information will be written into a folder located inside
%LOCALAPPDATA%MicrosoftWindowsWERReportQueue. Check the modification date to make sure you are using the correct file.
Those are the files that will be stored by WER:
  • WERxxxx.tmp.mdmp }: This is the most important file. It contains the crash dump that can be opened inside Visual Studio or other Windows debuggers.
  • WERxxxx.tmp.version.txt: Contains the operating system version and other hardware information.
  • WERxxxx.tmp.appcompat.txt: Lists all of the DLLs loaded at the time of the crash with their version information.

Application failed to start

Sometimes the application fails to start and pops up a dialog like the one below. Clicking on the ok button, the application closed. The first thing to do is open the event viewer program in Windows and search for the application name in the application logs section. This may help tell you what's the exactly problem or what module is failing to load during the start up. 

If the event viewer fails to give any meaningful information, the next step is to run the application inside Visual Studio. Visual Studio would print more information regarding to what modules get loaded and etc. If this fails to provide any more meaningful information, then run this command in the DOS console and re-run the programA.exe in Visual Studio:

>gflags -i "ProgramA.exe" +sls

This command basically enables the slow loader snap in the registry allowing VS to print more useful information. Here is an example of how the output would look like after running the command above:

27014:272ec @ 429100578 - LdrpProcessWork - ERROR: Unable to load DLL: "MSVCR100.dll", Parent Module: "c:\moduleA.dll", Status: 0xc00000ba
27014:272ec @ 429100578 - LdrpInitializeProcess - ERROR: Walking the import tables of the executable and its static imports failed with status 0xc00000ba
27014:272ec @ 429100578 - _LdrpInitialize - ERROR: Process initialization failed with status 0xc00000ba
27014:272ec @ 429100578 - LdrpInitializationFailure - ERROR: Process initialization failed with status 0xc00000ba

Here moduleA.dll is the one that fails to load so it needs to fixed or be replaced.

How to know where in the code does it open or do a file operation?

If you want to see the stack trace of the program when it is doing file operations, just set a break point to any of the file API in Visual Studio:

GetFullPathNameA for ansi
GetFullPathNameW for unicode
GetTempPathW -- handy if the program is trying to access a temp folder

All these methods are defined in the kernel32.dll.

How to set conditional breakpoints?

string comparison in VS studio. Here thePath is a UTF16String or a wchar*:
wcscmp(&thePath[0], L"Peak Files") == 0 
wcscmp(&thePath[0], L"\\\\?\\C:\\Users\\Nquach\\AppData\\Roaming\\Adobe") == 0

thePath.c_str() == L"Peak Files"   won't work

set breakpoint if variable or thePath contains the given substring:
wcsstr(&thePath[0],L"Peak Files") != nullptr

More advance breakpoint set in assembly code:
Here rcx is a register known to contain the first parameter value or a string of  the function you try to debug but have no source code. You can set this conditional breakpoint in the assembly code.
wcsstr((wchar_t*)rcx, L"Peak Files") != nullptr
You need to step into the method you are trying to break to see its assembly code and then add the breakpoint at the assembly line interested.

How to view value in the registers?

Let say you wan to know where in the code that is trying to create a folder. The first thing to do is to set a breakpoint at the system level method that tries to create the folder. If you are setting a breakpoint at a system call like CreateDirectoryW, and you want to view the value of the first argument to this method, you can examine the assembly code of this method to see what is the register name containing the value of the first argument. Once the breakpoint is hit, step into it so we can see the assembly code of this method. The first few lines will try to retrieve the value of the input parameters. Usually the first parameter is 8 bytes from the base pointer or it came from an expression similar to this
>mov ... [register1 + 8 ], register2 or
> mov   qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx
register1/rsp is the base pointer to the function stack frame.
Here register2/rcx will contain the value of the first parameter. Looking at the documentation of CreateDirectoryW we know that the first argument is a wchar_t*.
If you put   (wchar_t*)rcx into the watch window, we will see the string value of the first argument.
If the first argument is a char* instead, we will put (char*)(rcx) into the watch window.
With this information you can set a breakpoint based on the value of the register with an expression like this:
wcsstr((wchar_t*)rcx, L"Peak Files") != nullptr
This is really  cool since you don't have the source code of CreateDirectoryW.

Check this link for more information about the 64 bit registers and their usage:

GetLastError and all error code value meaning can be seen here 

MFC tips

Working with MFC ListCtrl

LV_ITEM lvi -- this is the structure you need to fill out to add an entry into the list.
lvi has two items that may be confusing to you, nItem and nSubItem. Think of these two as
row and column. nItem is the row and nSubItem is the column of that row.

Here is a sample code to add an entry to the CListCtrl:

        LV_ITEM lvi;
        CString sAlias(StringManipulationUtil::NQStringToCString(*iter));
        ZeroMemory(&lvi, sizeof(LV_ITEM));
        lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT; //can be an image , text or etc.
        lvi.iItem = m_ctlList.GetItemCount(); //insert at the bottom
        lvi.pszText = (LPTSTR) (const TCHAR *) (sAlias); //text to show
        lvi.cchTextMax    = sAlias.GetLength()+ 1; //size of text

How to add your own accelerators in MFC?

Accelerators are keyboard shortcuts that will trigger some events.
For example, when you click on a button, onClicked event will be trigger for that button.
There are two information associated with an event: the event type (onClicked) and the ID of the control.
A regular message map would be the followings:

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(SAATAPPDlgConsistencyCheck, CDlgHelper)

Notice the event type defined by the macro ON_BN_CLICKED takes in the id of the control, and the handler.

How do you capture this event with keyboard shortcuts?
First, you need to create an accelerator. You can do this by opening the edit.rc file and under accelerator add a new accelerator table. Here is the example with screenshots:

Creating a new accelerator node:


Add new shortcuts to existing accelerator node:
1. double click on an existing accelerator node

 2. Here is a list of shortcuts in the accelerator node IDR_NAVIGATION
This table contain the control ids, and the key board shortcuts assigned to them.
When the keyboard shortcut is executed by the users, the control having the id will receive an oncommand event.

3. To create a new keyboard shortcut, right click and select new accelerator

 4. Once a new item is created, you can select and right click the new item to assign a new keyboard shortcut for it.

Notice each shortcut has an ID which can be the ID of a control. For example, IDC_BTN_UP in the screenshot is the id of a button control. The keyboard shortcut will trigger an event similar to a mouse click on the button control. You can change the ID. Just select the id and a drop down box will be displayed. From the drop down box, you can select any of the control ID defined for the application.

In order for the keyboard shortcut to work, you need to apply/load the custom accelerator node/table to the dialog where you want to handle the shortcuts or containing the desired control(s).
The one accelerator node that will always exist or the default one loaded for the program is the IDR_MAINFRAME.

If you create you own accelerator table/node, you need to load it.
You can load the accelerator table when the dialog, containing the desired controls, is initialized.

BOOL CShtHelper::OnInitDialog()
    BOOL bResult = CResizeableSheet::OnInitDialog();
    //load the accelerator table you created (IDR_NAVIGATION).
    m_hAccel = ::LoadAccelerators(AfxGetResourceHandle(),

If the shortcut or control is being used in many places, you may want to prevent the same shortcut being propagate to many places. By overwriting the PreTranslateMessage method, you can prevent the message from being propagated:

BOOL CShtHelper::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
//if this class/dialog can translate the message (keyboard shortcut), then don't propagate the message;
//otherwise, forward the message to the parent.
//Translate the message using your accelerator table, this will trigger the on command on the some control if
//the message (key pressed) matches an entry in the table.
    if ( !(m_hAccel && ::TranslateAccelerator(m_hWnd, m_hAccel, pMsg)) && !m_tabCtrl.TranslatePropSheetMsg(pMsg))
        return CResizeableSheet::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);

    return TRUE;

Finally, you need to register the message map to tell the program what to do when the button is clicked.
Here we want the OnUp method to be called when the button IDC_BTN_UP is clicked.

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CDlgInitBlock2, CInitBlockSubDialog)
    ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BTN_Delete, OnDelete)

How to find the child window having a given name?

If the child window is part of a MDI application, calling FindWindowEx is not enough.
FindWindowEx(AfxGetMainWnd, 0 ,0, windowTitle); //not working because this is a mdi application
FindWindowEx(MDIClientWnd, 0,0,WindowTitle); //not working
FindWindowEx(MDIClientWnd,0,registerClassWndName, WindowTitle); //working, so you need to register it.